You may or may not have noticed that the date and venue of the Monster Masquerade next weekend has changed! Davis Square Theater pulled some sheisty moves and cancelled the show for another show they thought they'd make more money off of.
Lots of money, time and resources were wasted in the result of this greedy move, however, the bands were able to find a new venue, Radio Bar, get the age requirement they wanted (18+) and just a day later than planned. All pre-sale tickets will be honored even if they are for the original date and if you can't make the new date, you will be refunded.
Regardless of the series of unfortunate events laid on this show, it's going to be BO$$. There's a monster costume contest, all of these bands rock and are no doubt planning special stage surprises for us all and of course, I'll be drawing it all!!! It's $10.00 a ticket and it's worth every penny. Get your fangs and your horns and your spikes and scales and come to this show!
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