I went walking around Back Bay and Fenway today picking up art supplies and a much needed backpack. While on Newbury street, I saw a young fellow painting blocks of wood and selling them. I had to scoop a pair of them up as they were too incredible to pass up. I asked for his info, which he scribbled down on a scrap of paper. Turns out he and his twin brother are west coasters attending MassArt! Check out their work they are awesome!!1!
I love the pair I got above because they are like little painting sculptures. There were some larger works that were drop dead gorgeous, but I stayed within my means :). Adahn's line work is smooth and the lines flow perfectly across the rough wood grain. How lucky to stumble on some excellent art today!
I snapped photos some new street art as well. There's a girl going around knitting cosies for all sorts of outdoor things.

I love warm weather...

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